1. Make sure that the online bank is genuine. With the freedom the internet provides, it can be easy for an ignorant customer to be swindled by fake banks. Don’t be a victim and trust only banks that have solidified themselves in the industry.
2. Make sure your bank accounts are insured. Similar to your credit card being stolen or lost, you don’t want your money to vanish if your bank suffers downtime and becomes bankrupt. With insurance, you have money back guaranteed.
3. To safely bank online, never use the same password for financial sites that you use for everyday internet activities such as checking your email. This makes it easier for hackers to guess your password and leave you susceptible to identity and funds theft. Nor should you share any other private information such as PIN numbers or login information online.
4. Lastly, if you have something in the banking process that you don’t understand, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask. If you have question about fees, rates and other charges, ask a representative to take you through the process.
The ability to conduct your Jamaica business finance activities online is a huge benefit. Being able to bank online has been one of the most convenient technological innovations in the 21st century. Arm yourself with information so that you can conduct transaction comfortably, knowing that each transaction is secure and protected.